The Mature Student High School Diploma is an alternative route to graduation available to students who meet the mature student eligibility requirements. Students seeking a Manitoba Mature Students High School Diploma need 8 credits to graduate.
Graduation ceremonies are normally held the third week of June; family and friends are welcome to attend.
Through community partnerships, we have been able to award up to three bursaries to graduates each year.
Graduation FAQ
What are the requirements for graduating with a Mature Student High School Diploma?
In order to obtain a Mature Student High School Diploma, you will need at least eight (8) credits to graduate.
Four (4) credits: Only Grade 12 courses at 40S level, which includes two (2) mandatory courses, English 40S credit and Math 40S credit.
Four (4) credits: Electives/Additional courses at any level from Grades 9 – 12
If I already graduated with a Manitoba Mature Student High School Diploma, and I have now completed the requirements for a High School Diploma, can I be issued a Manitoba High School Diploma?
Manitoba will only issue one High School Diploma. Eligible students may graduate with a Manitoba High School Diploma OR a Manitoba Mature Student High School Diploma.
I lost my diploma. How do I get it replaced?
Mature Student High School Diplomas are issued by the adult learning centre from which you graduated. Once issued, a diploma cannot be replaced or reissued.
2020 Grads

Letter of Congratulations to
2021 Grads

Premier of Manitoba – Brian Pallister